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Tulip, the Hen, is Back!

31 January 2010

Ameruacana Hen Has Muffler & Beard

Tulip is a beautiful Ameraucana hen. Her long, dark legs and neck make her stand out. She has what is called a “muffler and beard” (fluffy feathers that surround her face). We are glad to say that she is back from her moulting experience.

Hen Stops Laying When Moulting

She has been the first hen to go through a moult and become a real “ugly duckling”. What a sight! No feathers on her neck, no wing feathers, and no tail feathers. Knowing she was not her pretty self, she became even shyer.

We’re glad to say that Tulip has become her old self again. Her tail feathers have grown back. Her wings have sufficient feathers to allow her to fly to the second ladder level, and her appetite for treats has returned. Best of all, she’s laying those beautiful green eggs again! Welcome back, Tulip.