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Getting New Pullets

17 July 2020
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First flock of six pullets.

I’ve been cleaning the coop today, spraying the roosts and cement floor with bleach to disinfect. We’ve never had a problem with mites and I’d like to prevent it, if possible.

I found a home for our last two hens and tomorrow some young pullets are arriving. I bought them from a family who got them as chicks about 3 months ago. They suddenly had to move due to a job change. This will be my third flock of hens. Fifteen years ago I bought six day-old chicks. I had to get rid of one because she terrorized the other hens. These original hens you can see on After those had all passed away, I took two hens from a neighbor. When they passed away, I bought four hens as young layers.
I recently found a home for Zelda and Roxanne, my last two, so that I could begin with a new flock of chicks.

My favorites were the six I raised from chicks. So tame and sweet. One lived to be eight years old. I’ve really looked forward to starting over with chicks. I’ll post a picture when they arrive and you can always look in on them on my webcam.